The Last Gospel : Prologue of St John : Powerful Prayer vs evil, Meditation, & Latin Lesson

A reading of the Prologue of the Gospel according to St. John (Jn 1) from the Clementine Vulgate with a brief Explanation, Scripture Study, Meditation, & Latin Lesson with English Text from the Douay-Rheims Bible. This passage from St. John’s Gospel has been used by exorcists for centuries and makes demons flee. It enlightens us on Who Jesus is and what He does for us. It puts the Incarnation in a heavenly Light and has been placed at the end of every Mass for centuries by the Church for devotion to the Incarnation & the Mother of God Who gave Jesus to us (though it has been removed from the novus ordo Mass). I hope you find this helpful. God bless et oremus pro invicem!

Outro Music: “O Euchari” by Hildegard Von Bingen sung by Hanna Benn, used with permission. To learn more about Hanna and her beautiful voice, visit